Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Happy Australia Day

To all you back home in Oz, have a great day today (unless you are fighting a bushfire in which case, try not to get singed). Very homesick today as I have enjoyed such good Australia Day's in the past with my friends, family and the Australian One Day Cricket Team.

Half way through week 2 (one quarter of the term) and I feel that after the initial shell shock of last term, time is speeding up as I begin to understand how Oxford ticks. I am already beginning to think about life after Oxford as more and more of my colleagues apply for jobs and arrange interviews.

It also helps that my course work is more heavily weighted this term in strategy, marketing, government relations and less hard number calculations. The downside is a great deal more reading material to be consumed and with 17 assignments, 5 exams and a new business project I am still up studying past 1am every night.

However, while it is only week 2 I have decided to squeeze a bit more enjoyment in my life so that when exams come round I won't feel so miserable. I went to only my second formal dinner in my College last Thursday evening, I had a pub feed with a Canadian mate from the course who lives nearby on Sunday evening and I went to a Birthday dinner for two Chilean blokes in the course on Monday night (See Photos). On Saturday I am going to London to meet with some Brisbane blokes.

I have attached a photo of me and my Aussie mate Kevin for Australia Day. I don't have any XXXX but I will knock the cap off a (Joey) Peroni to mark the occasion.

Take care,