Friday, June 02, 2006

Only two weeks of lectures left....

Finally today, thank heavens, it was genuinely warm and sunny all day and all evening.

It is Friday evening of Week 6 and I have decided not to go to the Templeton College dinner so I can get some rest and catch up on work. The last two weeks have been very busy commencing last Tuesday with an overnight in Dublin returning to London very late on Wednesday evening only so I could sleep through my alarm and miss my train to Paris for the MBA Olympics on Thursday morning.

9 hours and £50 later I was on my way via the Eurostar to what was a very enjoyable but tiring few days of sport at the campus of HEC. Prior to Paris my trip to Dublin coincided with my old school mate Richard's 31st Birthday so it was nice to be able to catch up with him on such an auspicious occasion . My meetings in Dublin were a mix of good and bad but on the whole the trip was quite worthwhile.

The MBA Olympics was good fun and I garnered some new respect from my classmates by leading our rugby side to victory beating London Business School in the final. I also played cricket and although we lost to London Business School we beat Cambridge which, for the purpose of Oxford sporting success, is all that matters.

Since returning to Oxford late on Sunday evening I have been busy working on an assignments and pitching against other MBA student teams for various strategic consulting projects. On Tuesday we were unsuccessful in securing a project with Williams Formula One team and on Wednesday we missed out on Roland Berger strategy consultants. Naturally I was pretty disheartened yesterday but today was informed that we had been offered a project with Nokia. To be honest I am just pleased the process is over so I can now focus on remaining assignments, exam revision and employment enquiries.

There are some photos below covering the events mentioned above. Enjoy!
